Lavender, English

Lavandula angustifolia

Often referred to as ‘true lavender’, this species is said to produce the best lavender essential oil, used and loved by millions for its beautiful aroma and relaxing effects.

The name lavender is derived from the Latin ‘lavare’ which means ‘to wash’. In Victorian and Elizabethan times, lavender was used to perfume clothes and bed linen due to washing and bathing not being common practice. Now it’s one of our ‘cleanest’ smells and a favourite relaxing herbal remedy.

Despite its name, English lavender is actually from the Mediterranean and grows best in hot sunshine in well-drained sandy soils (it will not survive long in shady, damp or very cold conditions). Sown from seed, you will get some flowers in the first year, but will need to wait until the second year to enjoy its full aromatic bloom.

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Sowing and Growing

Lavender has a reputation for being difficult to grow from seed. It’s not actually that hard – it just requires patience. Germination can be erratic, taking anything between 2 weeks and several months. The most common mistake is to throw away a seed tray after transplanting the first few seedlings, thinking that the germination is finished. Hang in there and hopefully more will come…

We recommend sowing indoors in trays in spring and keeping the tray in a place that can be watered regularly until the summer. If you have enough space it can be helpful to sow individual seeds into plug trays so that you don’t disturb smaller seedlings (or ungerminated seeds) when potting on. Always sow more seed than you think you need just to be sure. Scarification can improve germination rate: this is done by gently rubbing the seeds between two sheets of sandpaper prior to sowing.

In the UK climate Lavender does best in a sunny location, ideally in free-draining soils. Plant out when the seedlings have reached around 5cm tall. In year 1, the first seedlings should start to flower in August. In year 2, flowering normally starts in June.

Uses and Benefits

Lavender is high in levels of naturally occurring essential oils that have a profound effect upon the central nervous system. Lavender essential oil contains linalool which demonstrates sedative and anti-spasmodic effects upon the central nervous system and also the enteric (digestive) nervous system. It is this component that has made lavender such a renowned relaxant.

Lavender is what is known as a nootropic. Nootropics enhance emotional and mental well-being whilst also promoting cerebral circulation. Traditionally, they are used to protect the brain and improve cognitive functioning alongside mood – and lavender is famous for doing just that.

The essential oil is high in antioxidants that can provide protection against free radical damage within the nervous system but also the digestive system. The antioxidant properties of the plant have demonstrated protective actions within the brain, particularly in chronic degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

When applied externally, it displays anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that are effective against wounds, bruising and burns.

Apply (as infused oil, essential oil, strong infusion or tincture) to eczema, acne, varicose ulcers, nappy rash, minor infections, tinea, styes, burns, sunburn, cuts, wounds, sores, ulcers, insect bites & stings, head lice, bruises, sprains, tension headaches, gout & arthritic pain, shingles. Add to baths for muscle tension & spasm or after childbirth; rubb on chest & inhaled for chest infections, coughs, colds & catarrh; tea or dilute tincture as a gargle for sore throats, tonsillitis & hoarseness, mouthwash for mouth ulcers & inflamed or infected gums, douche for leucorrhoea. Also delicious as a fresh tea in the summer – especially with fresh chamomile and fresh mint. Just one or two flower-heads is enough. To make your own essential oil you will need 1Kg of the dried flowers to make 10ml of pure essential oil.

Harvesting and Preparation

Harvest the flowers when they reach their full glory in the Summer. To harness the best of lavender cut the flower heads just before they open and dry them at around 35C for a day and store in an airtight container. If you want to save for decoration then harvest the long stalks, tie in bunches, and hang somewhere warm wand well ventilated to air-dry for a few days.

Also delicious as a fresh tea in the Summer- especially with fresh chamomile and fresh mint. Just one or two flower-heads is enough.

A fresh tincture is easily made using a high strength alcohol at a ratio of 1:3@50% alcohol.

Delicious as lavender herbal honey.

Useful as a steam inhalation.

For a salve make an infused oil first and then blend with bees wax.

To make your own essential oil you will need 1Kg of the dried flowers to make 10ml of pure essential oil. The so called Lavandin a natural hybrid of L. angustifolia with L. latifolia. Lavandin is Lavandula x intermedia (or hybrida) and has a sharper small and much higher yield than L. angustifolia; 6% Vs 1%.

Species Info
Flower Colour(s)


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Scarification Recommended

Herbal Tradition


General Uses

Aromatic, Medicinal

Can be sown direct?


RHS Pollinators


UK Native


Herbal Uses

Cerebral, Digestion, Mood, Nervous system, Skin, Sleep


H5 (hardy – cold winter)


July, August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas

Tasty Teas

Make Your Own

Aromatic water, Cream, Dye, Essential oil, Food, Glycerite, Herbal Bath Salts, Herbal Honey, Massage Oils, Poultice & Plasters, Salves, Steam Inhalation, Tincture, Vinegar


Often referred to as ‘true lavender’, this species is said to produce the best lavender essential oil, used and loved by millions for its beautiful aroma and relaxing effects.

The name lavender is derived from the Latin ‘lavare’ which means ‘to wash’. In Victorian and Elizabethan times, lavender was used to perfume clothes and bed linen due to washing and bathing not being common practice. Now it’s one of our ‘cleanest’ smells and a favourite relaxing herbal remedy.

Despite its name, English lavender is actually from the Mediterranean and grows best in hot sunshine in well-drained sandy soils (it will not survive long in shady, damp or very cold conditions). Sown from seed, you will get some flowers in the first year, but will need to wait until the second year to enjoy its full aromatic bloom.

Additional information

Flower Colour(s)


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Scarification Recommended

Herbal Tradition


General Uses

Aromatic, Medicinal

Can be sown direct?


RHS Pollinators


UK Native


Herbal Uses

Cerebral, Digestion, Mood, Nervous system, Skin, Sleep


H5 (hardy – cold winter)


July, August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas

Tasty Teas

Make Your Own

Aromatic water, Cream, Dye, Essential oil, Food, Glycerite, Herbal Bath Salts, Herbal Honey, Massage Oils, Poultice & Plasters, Salves, Steam Inhalation, Tincture, Vinegar


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