Licorice Mint

Agastache foeniculum

A native American plant, long favoured in local healing traditions, licorice mint has uses similar to many of its relatives in the Lamiaceae family – opening and uplifting, used to aid digestion and support the body’s defences against seasonal infections, to mention a few.

Also known as anise hyssop, this stunning aromatic perennial does indeed taste like a combination of anise, hyssop, licorice and mint. It is a distinct species though and there is no mistaking the plant with its spikes of stunning purple flowers – one of our favourites and much loved by a wide variety of pollinating insects.

Grown from seed, licorice mint starts flowering in mid to late summer of its first year. It becomes taller and more abundant in its second year, reaching a full height of around 120cm. It can grow in full sunshine or partial shade and prefers well-drained sandy or loamy soil. Harvest the leaves for a delicious cup of tea.

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Sowing and Growing

Sow indoors in early spring, or directly outdoors once the soil has warmed up. Scatter the seeds on the surface and gently press into the soil; do not cover as the seeds require light to germinate. Germination usually take 1-2 weeks, but can take longer. Make sure you keep the soil/compost moist while you wait.

Licorice mint is a ‘half-hardy’ plant, which means that it usually survives the British winter but can get caught out by a heavy frost in the autumn of spring. Young seedlings are particularly susceptible, so be sure to wait until the last frost has passed before you plant your seedlings out. Allow a spacing of around 30-50cm between plants.

Originally from the prairies of North America, licorice mint is an adaptable plant that can grow in full sun or part-shade. It prefers well-drained or loamy soil, but will tolerate most soil types so long as it is not waterlogged. The plant normally grows to around 3-4 feet tall, but in rich loamy soils and with regular watering it may reach up to 5-6 feet.

The plant will naturally die back in the autumn, leaving dead stalks for you to cut back over the winter. If it is hit by frost, the affected leaves will die but in our experience it normally bounces back by mid-spring.

Uses and Benefits

A native American plant, long favoured in local healing traditions, it has uses similar to many of its relatives in the Lamiaceae family. It is an aromatic and warming herb, easily identified when you smell the rich aromas or have a taste of a leaf. Instantly opening and uplifting, licorice mint, can be used as a digestive to help both the enjoyment of your food as well as the assimilation of nutrients; specifically good for preventing nausea and ridding the bloat. Its ascendant and spreading properties help it rouse the body’s defences against invading seasonal infections; this can be especially relevant for sluggish-dampness in a humid summer. But, perhaps most importantly, it lifts the spirits and can help shift the blues. Even just looking at its almost iridescent blossoms helps one feel closer to the rhythms and colours of Nature – and you will find that the bees certainly agree.

Its soothing properties can be used in red and inflammed skin – such as for gardener’s sunburn or a heat rash. See below to make a calming wash or poultice.

Harvesting and Preparation

Harvest the aerial parts just as the flowers open. Tie in bunches and hang upside down to dry in a warm and well-ventilated room. Or you can cut into inch long pieces and dry on a rack at 35C overnight or in an airing cupboard for longer..

For a reviving cup of tea, just add a few leaves to a cup of freshly-boiled water or 1-2 tsp of the dried herb left to infuse in a covered cup for 15 minutes.

Also useful as a steam inhalation.

Or you can make licorice mint herbal honey.

For a natural sun-soothing poultice.

Species Info
Flower Colour(s)


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Stratification not required

Herbal Tradition

Chinese (TCM), Native American

General Uses


Can be sown direct?


RHS Pollinators


Herbal Uses

Digestion, Immunity, Respiration, Skin


H3 (half-hardy – unheated greenhouse/mild winter)

UK Native



July, August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas

Tasty Teas

Make Your Own

Aromatic water, Cream, Glycerite, Herbal Honey, Tincture


A native American plant, long favoured in local healing traditions, licorice mint has uses similar to many of its relatives in the Lamiaceae family – opening and uplifting, used to aid digestion and support the body’s defences against seasonal infections, to mention a few.

Also known as anise hyssop, this stunning aromatic perennial does indeed taste like a combination of anise, hyssop, licorice and mint. It is a distinct species though and there is no mistaking the plant with its spikes of stunning purple flowers – one of our favourites and much loved by a wide variety of pollinating insects.

Grown from seed, licorice mint starts flowering in mid to late summer of its first year. It becomes taller and more abundant in its second year, reaching a full height of around 120cm. It can grow in full sunshine or partial shade and prefers well-drained sandy or loamy soil. Harvest the leaves for a delicious cup of tea.

Additional information

Flower Colour(s)


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Stratification not required

Herbal Tradition

Chinese (TCM), Native American

General Uses


Can be sown direct?


RHS Pollinators


Herbal Uses

Digestion, Immunity, Respiration, Skin


H3 (half-hardy – unheated greenhouse/mild winter)

UK Native



July, August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas

Tasty Teas

Make Your Own

Aromatic water, Cream, Glycerite, Herbal Honey, Tincture


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