
Withania somnifera

One of the most respected and researched herbs to come out of the Ayurvedic tradition, ashwagandha is considered to be an ‘adaptogen’ and is commonly used to help manage stress and fatigue when life asks just a bit too much from us.

In India, the Sanskrit name for ‘ashwagandha’, literally means ’smell of a horse, but more accurately refers to its ability to manifest the ‘essence of a horse’, bringing strength, endurance – and perhaps even some equine elegance. Ashwagandha’s botanical name, Withania somnifera, indicates some of what it does; ‘somnifera’ means ‘sleep-inducing’, reflecting its relaxing and restful effects that bring us energy through supporting deeper sleep.

Native to warm climates, ashwagandha is best grown in the warmth and protection of a greenhouse or polytunnel in our British climate. Botanically speaking it is a perennial, but it is unlikely to survive a British winter so is best treated as an annual; in one year you will still be able to grow them to their full size of about 18 inches and harvest its milky white tap roots before winter arrives.

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Sowing and Growing

To germinate the seeds, we recommend using a heated propagator if you have one; we set ours to around 22’C and have had good results with germination starting after approx. 7 days. Seeds germinated in the polytunnel took twice as long to germinate, and may take longer if it’s cold. So we recommend waiting for the weather to warm up in mid-late Spring before sowing. If using a heated propagator, don’t leave the seedlings inside for more than a few days as they can grow a bit leggy and struggle to adapt when moved into your polytunnel or greenhouse.

Ashwagandha is a robust plant that in India is commonly grown on wasteland that cannot be used for regular crops. Farmers have reported that any attempt to increase yield by adding compost has never really worked. It is a plant that thrives in stressful environments (which is fascinating given that it helps us do the same), so bear that in mind before you prepare a bed full of rotted manure.

Pot up and plant out into your greenhouse or polytunnel as you would with any other herb. It will start producing small red fruits at the end of the Summer (these fruits give ashwagandha its alternative name, ‘winter-cherry’). This is when we collect the fruits for seed and dig up the plants to harvest the roots.

We have only been growing ashwagandha in our nursery in Somerset for 3-4 years, so we are still learning and experimenting… so please do take everything we say with a pinch of salt and do your own experiments (and let us know how you get on!).

Uses and Benefits

In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is considered to be a rejuvenative tonic that enhances life by nourishing the tissues, especially of the nervous and reproductive systems. In modern-day understanding ashwagandha is considered to be an adaptogen. The term ‘adaptogen’ was coined by Nikolai Lazarev in 1947 and refers to plants and substances that can support our body’s resistance to physical and emotional stress by strengthening the endocrine and nervous systems. One of the special characteristics of ashwagandha means it will strengthen an exhausted or agitated nervous system whilst at the same time calming it.

Ashwagandha is known for its ability to improve cognitive and mental performance when faced with enduring pressure. It is particularly helpful where sustained stress leads to fatigue and depleted immune functions. In clinical trials it has compared well with anti-depressants for managing anxiety and has been shown to reduce the early morning levels of cortisol, indicating its support for a more measured stress response.

These properties make ashwagandha useful for chronic insomnia, regular infections and immune weakness, and life-changes such as the andro- and menopause, all situations needing tonics.

There are likely to be hormonal benefits as one of its most persistent reputations now supported by clinical research is in increasing male fertility and there are also some evidence to show it can increase libido in both sexes. Ashwagandha is used in menstrual imbalances, such as period pain or no/low flow, where extra nourishment is needed

Ashwagandha has renowned anabolic properties associated with the steroidal lactone withanolides it contains. It is used for muscle health and strength, balancing body weight, replenishing red and white blood cells. Its a favourite support for the trials and tribulations of changing health as we age making it also useful for post-convalescent recovery.

Harvesting and Preparation

Ashwagandha root is usually used as a powder or in a tea or tincture.

As ashwagandha lives as an annual in the UK, harvest the root at the end of the Summer when the ‘winter cherries’ have formed. Chop the aerial parts off , save the seed and compost the rest.

Wash the roots and dry whole or cut into smaller pieces for easier handling. Dry in a warm airy space or in a dehydrator at 30C for around 24 hours.

For maintenance Ashwagandha is used 1-2g  a day. Traditionally the root powder is mixed with milk and some spices like ginger or cinnamon for extra nourishing effect and used for a few months. Or you can use almond milk or just some warm water.

Or take it as a tea as needed; 1/2-1 tsp of the finely cut or powdered root infused in 200ml freshly boiled water for 10 minutes. Add some honey to taste to balance its bitterness.

Or it can be added to a decoction.

To make a tincture make a 1:5@45%.

Species Info
RHS Pollinators


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Stratification not required

Herbal Tradition


General Uses


Can be sown direct?


Herbal Uses

Adaptogen, Energy, Heart, Hormonal, Immunity, Men, Metabolism, Mood, Nervous system, Reproduction, Skeletal, Sleep, Women

Flower Colour(s)



H1b (heated greenhouse – subtropical)

UK Native



August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas


Make Your Own

Herbal pills & lozenges, Massage Oils, Syrup, Tincture


One of the most respected and researched herbs to come out of the Ayurvedic tradition, ashwagandha is considered to be an ‘adaptogen’ and is commonly used to help manage stress and fatigue when life asks just a bit too much from us.

In India, the Sanskrit name for ‘ashwagandha’, literally means ’smell of a horse, but more accurately refers to its ability to manifest the ‘essence of a horse’, bringing strength, endurance – and perhaps even some equine elegance. Ashwagandha’s botanical name, Withania somnifera, indicates some of what it does; ‘somnifera’ means ‘sleep-inducing’, reflecting its relaxing and restful effects that bring us energy through supporting deeper sleep.

Native to warm climates, ashwagandha is best grown in the warmth and protection of a greenhouse or polytunnel in our British climate. Botanically speaking it is a perennial, but it is unlikely to survive a British winter so is best treated as an annual; in one year you will still be able to grow them to their full size of about 18 inches and harvest its milky white tap roots before winter arrives.

Additional information

RHS Pollinators


Best for Bees


Recommended for Beginners


Stratification Needed?

Stratification not required

Herbal Tradition


General Uses


Can be sown direct?


Herbal Uses

Adaptogen, Energy, Heart, Hormonal, Immunity, Men, Metabolism, Mood, Nervous system, Reproduction, Skeletal, Sleep, Women

Flower Colour(s)



H1b (heated greenhouse – subtropical)

UK Native



August, September

Life Cycle


Recommended Sowing Times
Herbal Teas


Make Your Own

Herbal pills & lozenges, Massage Oils, Syrup, Tincture